
Landscape, Flood Lightning and Motion Detectors

Landscape lighting: You have several options when it comes to the voltage and design for your landscape lighting. In some cases, a small change can transform a dismal backyard, patio, or walkway into an elegant site. Additionally, it adds an element of safety. Our Zveno Electric professionals will consult you on the best additions and changes to make in order to enhance the outdoors of your property.

Flood lighting: At Zveno, we understand that while the major purpose of installing flood lighting is safety, design and placement matter as well. We will listen to your desires and consult you further on the best and safest options for your property.

Motion detectors: Zveno Electric offers the most efficient installation and integration of high-level motion detectors. Our experienced electricians have ample expertise in combining motion detector with alarms, flood lights, and other security systems.

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Customer Testimonials
Kostadin Dimitrov: Thorough, courteous, excellent customer rapport. I wanted to see how good he was so I might be able to recommend him to my real estate clients. He passed with flying colors.